Important:Peak travel advisory
Yes, you can make any changes to your booking on through Manage your booking.
We’re currently receiving a lot of calls, so to avoid long wait times, here are some other ways to contact us. You can also try calling us closer to your planned travel date.
You can make changes to your booking through Manage your booking. It’s important to note that you’ll find a Change my booking link if your booking is eligible for online changes. You might be charged for certain changes, depending on the fare conditions of your ticket.
If your booking is not eligible for online changes, you can contact your travel agent or our Contact Centres if you booked with us directly.
We’re currently receiving a lot of calls, so to avoid long wait times, here are some other ways to contact us. You can also try calling us closer to your planned travel date.
If you want to make changes to a rewards booking with a partner airline, please contact the Emirates Skywards team.
Some fees and charges may apply to making changes to your booking, depending on the fare conditions of your ticket. If you make changes through Manage your booking on, you’ll find which charges will apply for penalties or additional taxes. You’ll also need to pay the difference if the fare for the new itinerary you’re planning to book is higher than the fare you’ve already paid. You’ll need to pay for the charges and fare difference online to complete the changes to your ticket.
Yes, depending on the fare conditions of your ticket, you can make changes online through Manage your booking even if you’ve flown parts of your flight.
If you’re eligible for a refund (for example, because of unused taxes) following a change made on, you’ll receive a credit note (EMD), sent to your email address. This credit note is valid for one year from the date it is issued (ie from the date you changed your booking).
This credit note can be used to pay for future travel on Emirates, or it can be refunded.
Please contact your local Emirates office to use this credit note for future travel on Emirates, or complete our refund form to receive a refund.
No, any changes you make online will apply to everyone in your booking. To change a flight for just one person, you will need to contact us or the travel agent who made your booking.
However, if you want to change seats, book a dietary meal or add services for individual passengers, you can do that through Manage your booking.
Yes, you can change bookings purchased with Skywards Miles or Emirates Business Rewards points online by visiting Manage your booking.
If you’ve booked our Chauffeur-drive service for any of the flights you’ve changed, these bookings will be cancelled.
You’ll need to make new Chauffeur-drive bookings for your new flight through Manage a booking, more than 12 hours in advance for the UAE, and 24 hours in advance for other cities.
If you’ve applied for a UAE visa on, please ensure that the visa still applies for the new travel dates. If your visa has already been approved, it can be used for 60 days from the date of approval.
If you have previously selected a seat or meal for the sector you changed, these selections won’t be saved. Please make a selection for any new flights on Manage a Booking.
Yes, you can receive a full refund as long as it’s within the conditions of your fare. We’ll refund the card you used to purchase your ticket.
If you still want to cancel, you can do that through Manage your booking, then complete our refund form. Check the conditions of your fare first, as some tickets are not refundable or there may be cancellation charges.
To get a refund on a ticket you haven’t used you can cancel the ticket on Manage your booking and complete our refund form. Depending on the conditions of your fare, we’ll refund the card you used to purchase your ticket.
Some tickets are not refundable once you’ve started your trip, there may be a cancellation charge, or just a portion of the fare can be refunded.
All flight tickets have fare conditions attached to them, which determine the price of the ticket. These are rules like whether a ticket is fully refundable or if there are additional charges to make changes.
Different fares will have different conditions. Make sure you click on ‘Fare conditions’ before you book, or ask your travel agent.